
INK- Season 2- episode 16- Its Elementary pt 2/2

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*she drifts in and out of bad sleep and is tired, yet again, the next morning.. trix tells ink go to HQ for a quick, in secret talk…zara’s the first there ; hes been there since early.. and zero turns up second cuz she decided trying to sleep wsnt doing her much good*

Zara *painting*~ gooooodd molring zelro!! :3

Zero~ umm.. good morning?

Zara~ sigh.. about the othelr night.. I’m solry I went off arl upset, rlike..

Zero~ um.. no problem… why are you up so early?

Zara~ -.- I can’t srleep without caz.;. I’m arl lrestrless and fidgety.. you?

Zero~ ehe, same.. but vin! Not caz…

Zara~ eeeehe..

Zara~ *grinning *~ soo. I’ve been wondelring.. alre you an  S.. olr an M ?

Zero~ o//o um… I don’t feel like telling you..

Zara~ eeeehehehe, ow, come one.. I’rl find out one way olr anothelr..

Zero~ >//< no!! just.. eeehhh?? *he’s crept up behind her*

Zara~ rlast chance.. *as he puts his arms around her*

Zero~ eeehh???!!!! *as she feels uncomfortable*.. why? what are you?

Zara *whispering in her ear*~ gueesss

Zero ~>//< well, you’re always very free spirited, and caz is so… well, dominant.. I’m gonna guess you’re an M..

Zara *still whispering to her in a much more seductive voice O///O *~ tusk tusk tusk wrong answer.. now I get to find out what you are *licking her neck*

Zero~ eehh >//<

Zara~ hehe *grinning and biting her*

*zeros legs  give way a little and she leans back into zara, who has decided on giving her a love bite…or three .. she feels a little dizzy and pulls zara down as she starts to faint. he doesn’t want to let her drop so goes to the floor with her… he’s on all fours over her as tries to hold her off the ground with one arm*

Zara~ 0//0 if somebody warlks in now—eeehh… hhaaaayyyy vviinn… ^//^ sthis is sooo not what it rlooks rlike..

Vin *stood in the door way*~ hhee?!!!  Well if it’s not what I’m thinking, the please, prey tell, what is it..

Zara~ aaah, um. Hu, werl..  *as zero wakes up and bashes into zara who is still over her*

Zero~*blushing*  hheee!!!? What? Vin!!! *looking up at him with a look of pleading on her face*

Zara~ aaah, you’lre up.. can you suppolrt youlrself?

Zero~ oww? *noticing shes being held up by zara.. whom has a hand on one of her boobs* >///< EEEH!??

Zara~ I’rl take sthat as a yes *getting up rather quickly.. *

Vin~ so…

Zara~ so?

Vin~ yes, so.. what WE’RE you doing?

Zara~ I wanted to find out.. if zero was an S or an M

Vin~ aa what a and a ..wa?

Zara *walking over to him*~ you know *whispering in his ear*

Vin~ O//o ow…... well…., a bit of both.. if you must know..

Zara~ hum.. she seemed velry M to me..

Vin~ hu!! 0.0 What did you do to her?

Zero~ *whom is of the floor and holding her neck* he BIT me -.- and it was ALL very seductive..  *not really angry, more confused and feeling odd.. caz walk in*

Caz~ who bit you?


Caz~ oww.. hum… at least you’re not bleeding..

Zero~ . . .  hu? You’re not angry at him?

Caz~ … oi’m honest, oi’m surproised ‘e didn’t do it sooner..

Vin n zero~ ??? hu? What does that mean?

Caz~ Zalroia.. is an over friendly flirt..  and its ok cuz oi know he only ‘aving a laugh and he loves me.. so, is she an S or an M ?? an S, right?

Zara~ ehehehe  werl, she put up no fight when I did anysthing.. but accolrding to vin, she’s a bit of both..

Caz~ uuurrr *sounding surprised*  I wonder if they’ve …

Zara~ werl I know she has.. but he seems a rlittrle inexperienced..

Zero~ >//< SHUT UP!!! It’s none of your business!!!

Caz~ ow, defiantly.. hehehe

*trix and newt come in and zara n caz think it’s time to stop teasing zero*

Trix~ so.. today. We go to mr soper and ask him why everything is grey.


Zara~ is sthat it?

Trix~ well, it doesn’t require a mission or anything. It’s all self-explanatory..

Zara~ huumm.. and why do you sthink, arl of a sudden, sthat the glrey shourld be gotten lrid of..

Trix~ well, no one likes it.. it is kinda boring.. and it feels like its zapping my motivation and energy to do stuff..

Caz~ bi-jove she’s normal..

Zara~ sthough I wondelr if she’s an- *zero treds on his foot* eek.. nevelr mind.. I don’t need to know..

*they go to class cuz they’ve missed breakfast*

Van~ hehehe, three guesses . what’s zero been up too?

Zero~ hu?

Bertha~ hehe, well, I’m gonna say it involved vin…

Vin~ hu—oowwwwww… zero, your neck..

Zero~ ? ow!! -.- zaria,….,-.- is it bad?

Vin~ huuummmm yyeeee.. very….

*caz walks up behind her and holds a scarf round her neck*

Caz~ you’d better take this… before mr soper thinks you’ve been up to something…

Zero~ but I haven’t!!

Caz~ try telling that to them..  *looking at the giggling girls*

Zero~ ¬.¬ uurrrrmmm *taking the scarf out of anger*

*when mr soper comes in, everyone sits down and shuts up.. but before he starts talking, Trixie raises her hand*

Soper~ um, yes, trixie?

Trix~ well, I was wondering.. why everything in the school has been painted grey? but it isn’t..

Class~.. um, ye it is..

Soper~ oowww, I see what going on.. Your all pulling a prank, your trying to make me think I’m going crazy.. well, I’m not falling for it.. good try but its time to learn…

*via radio*

Caz~ how odd,

Newt~ indeed.

Zero~ do you think Macbeth did something to him?

Zara~ I wourldn’t doubt it.

Zero~ well, I guess there’s only one way to find out..

Vin~ a mission?

Trix~ a mission! Tonight… we check Macbeths office and mr soper’s office.. just to make sure she isn’t planning something bigger…

*the day goes by and zara is in detention at breaks and lunch… eventually its after dinner and ink are assembled in HQ, but caz and zara aren’t there…*

Trix~ this is highly unorthodox!

Vin~  I’ll say… when we’re working on the lockets, she’s really punctual..

Zero~ working on the lockets??? What’s with you? You’re so interested in it..

Vin~ well, I’m curious..i want to know what’s in them…

Zero~ will you be disappointed if it’s not what you want to see?

Vin~ I don’t know.. I mean… if it’s a photo of them, um, my parents.. well… I guess it’ll give me something to remember them by…

Zero~ please don’t be sad… I know you’re gonna have a hole on your heart for the rest of your life that you’ll never be able to fill.. that they’ll never be able to fill…

Vin~ let’s just leave it and try to find caz and zara..

Zero~ um, ok..

*they knock on caz’s door*

Vin~ umm.. not here….

*so they knock on zara’s door*

Zero~ they’re in there…

Trix~ how do you know?

Zero~ well, the lights on :L

Trix~ …. Ow, well that makes sense…*knocking again* WE KNOW YOUR IN THERE

*there’s a sigh from the room*

Zara~ fine…


*the door opens and zara’s stood with a towel round his waist, a few drips of sweat here and there and look of annoyance on his face.. his voice isn’t as calm and relaxing as normal..  but most of all.. there’s blood round his mouth and down his neck.. trix backs away from the door in shock*

Zara~ hay.. can I herlp you

Zero~ o god *feeling a little sick and covering her eyes*

Vin~ uuuummmm *transfixed by the peculiar sight*

Zara~ if it’s nosthing, sthen prlease excuse me..  I’m busy…

Vin~ no, its.. um… .. is that.. blood?

Zara *thinking.. ‘ow.. let’s have a little fun’*~ aaww. Ye.. *touching his neck with a finger and looking at the blood* my dinner seems to have put up a bit more of a fight then I thought..

Vin~ hu *perplexed and wondering why zara’s started talking quite british* d-dinner?

Zara~ ehehe, yes.. I would invite you in for a bite, but, I’m not fond of sharing my hunts.. *leaning forward to vin’s face and touching his lip with the finger with blood on* unless.. *whispering to vin* you want to be dessert… *vin’s in a state of wonder as zara takes a quick nip and vin’s neck.. he stand back up straight and looks as the faces of inks members…… trix is in a state of disbelief  .. newton just looks confused.. zero is thinking of something and vin’s staring into zara’s eyes as he subconsciously licks the blood of his lip.. *

Zara~ well, if that’s everything.. *closing the door*


Vin~ …..what just happened?

Zero~ I think a guy just invited you.. too..yyeeeee..

Vin~…ow.. *feeling something on his neck and touching it* AAAHH he made me bleed!!

*zero holds in a snigger*

Zero~ ehehe that’s what she said >//<

Newt~ hhuu????

Zero~… ow… right.. you guys don’t know about ‘that’ O//o

Trix~ whatever.. let’s just do the mission without them…

*as they walk back*

Zero~ ehehe, how does it feel to know zara’s ‘eating’ your cousin?

Vin~ O.o I really don’t want to think about that… but you seem to be having fun with the situation…

Zero~ it wasn’t me whom was invited to be ‘dessert’

Vin~ NO, but you look like you might have been breakfast!!!

*zero shuts up*

*the mini mission.. *

*Zero and vin are checking out Macbeths office*

Zero~ some books on glasses.. nothing of much interest..

Vin~ and.. some glasses.. hay, these look like mr sopers..

Trix~ interesting.. bring them back to HQ…

*when they get there caz and zara come in too*

Trix~ AND just WHAT were you two DOING that was SO important.. ?

Zara~ well, one could go into quite some detail, but, unfortunately, zero would probably be the only one who would understand what I was on about…

Zero~ O//o ow…

Zara~ hehe, heard the ‘that’s what she said’ joke… hilarious!  Though. *walking over to vin* it could just as well be what HE said..

Zero~ gawd, you are a flirt.. are you, like, bisexual or something?

Zara~ *sniggering and unable to maintain the British accent* hehehe no.. I just rlike watching vin squilrm… gasp… unrless!.. hehehe *getting close* pelrhaps…. You alre?  

*vin lets out some uncomfortable moaning noise*

Caz~ well, if you put all the evidence together, it would make sense..


Newt~ um yey ma’am

Trix~ analyse those glasses and see what’s fishy about them..

Newt~ yey ma’am *getting too it*

Trix~ and you two.. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but stop it! this organisation can’t function if its members are off playing hooky..

Zara *muttering in Japanese*~ we we’re playing a very different game -//-

Trix *glowering at zara*~ something to say?

Zara~ nope.. just, what do you want us to do?

Trix~ well, for now we have to wait for newton to finish his diagnostic on the glasses…

Caz~ they look loike mr sopers glasses…. Um.. you want some help, newt?

Newt~ O//o .. ye… sure…. *they start talking science gibberish*

Zara~ a prlastelr?

Vin~ ow, ye.. you made me bleed -.-

Zara~ hehehe ,ye, you taste nice..^u^


Vin~ uuummm O’_’o

Zara~ 0,,,0 um… ye…  


Zero~ *snigger* aawww.. how cute *deliberately sitting in-between them* I know what you’ve been up too, naughty boy *flicking zara’s nose*

Zara~ uuurrmm *rubbing it and looking at zeros like she’s threatening to tattle on him*

Zero~ and you *facing vin* would do best not to hang around such a bad influence whom has so few morels..

Zara~ HAY!! I so do have molrerls!!

Vin~ ‘molrerls’.. haha that sounds so funny when you say it XD

Zara~ *poking his tongue out* werl  how many rlanguages do YOU know?

Vin~ uurrr I’m sorry.. or should I say, ‘Solry’ hehe

Zara~ -.- that’s lright.. pick on the foreigner..

Vin~ no no I’m sorry.. it’s really quite cute.. your accent, that is.. no that’s you’re not cute!… ow god..

*zara looks sad but forces himself to smile*

Zara~ thanx… adorableness just seems to come naturally to me..

….*the mood of HQ seems to have changed*


Newt~ IVE GOT IT!! see? *holding the glasses over trixie’s eyes*  you see?

Trix~ ummm… whats different? Apart from everything looking blurred..

Caz~ you’ll ‘ave to go outsoide into the corridor.

*once out there trix gasps*

Trix~ why, every things in colour!! It amazing!!

Vin~ aaw, let me see … wow your right!!! Hehe.. so this is what Macbeth did! *passing them to zero*

Zero~ she changed mr soper’s glasses so he saw everything in colour…it’s so simple , he never takes them off, unless he’s in bed.. *the glasses go to zara*

Zara~ hu.. tats molre rlike it.. I feerl clreative again..

Zero~ talking about that… what were you painting this morning?

Zara~ I’rl show you when I’ve finished..*returning the glasses*

Trix~ well its simple now.. we just give mr soper a pair of glasses that aren’t .. well… tampered with…

Ink~ on it…

*after newton removes the colour creating film from the glasses, vin and zero sneak into soper’s office to put them on his bed side table…*

*in his bedroom*

Vin~ shush..

*zero nods and switches the glasses..but she see something on the desk.. a letter… she reads it*

Zero~*whispering* hay.. did you know this… zara and caz are gonna transfer.. to England!!!

Vin~ WHAT??!! No!! they can’t…

Zero~ ye.. at the end of half term…

Vin~ noo. That’s so soon..

Zero~ … I’m sorry.. but let’s not tell the others or suggest that we know…

Vin~ ok….

*they leave and go back to HQ with the colour changing glasses*

Zero~ mission successful!! *throwing the specs at newt* can I go to bed?

Trix~ sure… good work guys… well… apart from zara -.-

Zara~ hay, it’s not my faurlt my expertise rlie erlsewhelre… if it had invorlved a computelr, I wourld have been arl ovelr it….

Trix~ hhuumm, whatever, I just hope you play a bigger role in the next mission… good night….

*ink quietly leave for bed and vin can’t help but feel sad that that might have been their last mission with caz and zara….*

Radio~ good morning Pinkerton, it’s a nice looking day with the sun shining and the birds tweeting..

Zero~ uurr.. morning -.-..

Vin~ morning :3…

Zero~ WHAT? Why are you in here?

Vin~ I couldn’t sleep…. I was sad….

Zero~ sigh… what if mr soper finds you? He’ll be disappointed…

Vin~ well, we’ll just have to explain our situation to mr soper and hope he understands we’re NOT doing what he thinks….

Zero~ and when he sees these *pointing to the love bites* and that *to vin’s bite*

Vin~ uurrmrm.. ye.. we’ll do it in half term….

Zero~ when caz and zara are…..sigh… get out. I’m getting dressed..

Vin~ *sounding disappointed* nnyyow, but the book said—

Zero~ *sounding aggressive* and I say I don’t want to betray mr soper’s trust..  so , OUT

*vin leaves and sneaks down to the wash room to have a shower.. there’s music playing and voices singing in English*

*a gentile male voice that flows smoothly and effortlessly.*

If this was the last day of earth, and no was to know

What would you regret in life? Would you let your feeling show?

You never know when the end will come, it could be happening right now.

If it were to end today, would you willingly take that final bow?

*a ladies voice that is rather powerful*

The happiness that’s in my life, is all because of you

All I would regret would be the things we didn’t do

but I wouldn’t regret anything, because i did all that I could

and if we took that final bow together, you know I gladly would…

*the music fades out but the guy n lady shout to each other in English from different shower cubicles.*

guy~ ‘that was beautiful, darling’

lady~ ‘thank you x now if we could write a bit more for it we’d have a sixth song for our album..

guy~ or we could leave it how it is and have it as the introduction song…  

lady~ ye, we’ll try that! I’m getting out now, honey.. see you at breakfast *a tap turns and a shower stops*

guy~ okey dokey, I love you xxxxx

lady~ I love you to-- *she starts speaking French * ow, hay vin…

vin~ ……. *completely perplexed* hu, wa? You??!!

Caz~ ye… me… me what though?

Vin~ you… English?

Caz~ -.- wow.. ok .. yesoiI’m English, glad you’ve foinally realoised this,,,,

Vin~ but… the singing? Then… was that zara?

Caz~.. oww you ‘eard that.. ye… we sing … and since we both know English an ‘ole lot be’’er we sing in it, as appose to French….    

Vin~ you.. sounded so different… no accents or anything…

Caz~ well ye.. ‘ave you ‘ear Adel when she talks? When you sing you change ‘ow y’u produce sound.. and you think a little more because you ‘ave t’ remember words in a certain order…  hence no accents..

Vin~ wow.. I didn’t know quite what you were saying but it was beautiful….

Caz~ why, thank you ^u^ well, I have to go get dressed  *pulling her puffy, oversized dressing gown  up to wipe her face as she leaves… *

Vin~ hu… *he goes into the boys half and bumps into zara as he leaves a cubicle* ow, hay…

Zara~ hhaaaya.. *chirpy as normal*

Vin~ your neck O.o it looks worse than I thought it would…

Zara~ ye.. caz said she’d patch it up aftelr a showelr…  soo.. adieus. *leaving vin*

Vin~….well… *still bewildered at everything that’s been happening….*

*but that’s all forgotten when mr soper comes in to the class room in a tizzy*

Soper~ I don’t get it.. I woke up this moring and everything was GREY!!

Class~ ? hu.. well… we did tell you so!!

Soper~ so…. I can’t work in this drab environment so I went out early  and got some paint…  

Class~ hu.. and?

Soper~ we’re gonna spend this last day of term painting the school back to normal!!

Class~ yey!!!

Zara~ ow -ow can we stalrt in miss Macbesths crlasslroom?

Soper~ certainly… *taking the paint pots with him to Macbeths room.. the class follow* what colour should we do it?


Soper~ aww, a very cheerful colour.. yes.. I’m sure this will brighten up miss mecbeth’s day… *passing out brushes*

Zara~ and what better to go with painting. Then music *plugging his phone into a music Jam and playing happy British music*

*everyone gets carried away painting*

Vin~ it’s so sad…  I found someone from my family and .. she’s leaving…

Zero~ I can’t do anything about it.. and I know this is gonna sound insensitive.. but .. aren’t we your family? Me and Trixie and newton…  and.. *blushing and turning away*

Vin~ hu? Zero? Are you ok?

Zero~ *smiling* >//v//< well, who’s to say you won’t start your own family?  You have an entire life ahead of you and you can do with it what you want…

Vin~ o//o ow.. your right.. but I prefer to think.. that we can do with it what we want….

*aaawww a lovey dovey moment >///< interrupted by zara and caz*

Zara~ hay, folrgot to terl you guys sommet *he’s dragged trix and newt with him*

Caz *she has a scarf* ~ its kinda sad but… we’re transferring to England…

Newt~ WHAT?! NOOO!!! You can’t *tearing up* …. Were friends.. you cant leave…

Caz~ sorry.. we don’t really get a say…

Trix~ but.. why?

Zara~ don’t lrearly know..

Vin~ is this.. the last day we get to spend with you?

Zara *looking slightly happy and cheeky*~ aaaaahhh no ;)

Ink~ …uuuhh??

Caz~ your spending the half term with us. Ocaza said you can …

Newt~ ow.. that’s nice..

Vin~ so we get to meet your family?

Zero~ sigh.. family -.-

Zara~ ye, Halru-nii-san and Shinobu-chan…

Trix~ hu?

Caz~ his big brother and little sister.. and mother…

Zero~ and a dad?

Caz~ eeehhh sometimes..  he wonders around … we only see him a few time a year because of his work…

Ink~ uuuhhh

Zara~ so… you rlooking folrward to it?

Vin~ um ,ye. I’ve not been a part of a real family..

Trix~ what about my aunt?

Vin~ well.. it was just her.. and one person’s not a family..

Trix~ yee.. I guess that’s true..  


Zara~ werl.. I sthink I’rl say it.. ink saves the schoorl once again ;)

Caz~ ye, but you didn’t do anything :P

End :D
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